Naive Heart


Its difficult to make it understand
It has feelings but afraid to take a stand
It makes no noise
It also doesn’t let you keep all the choice

It is something we give when we fall for someone
And sometimes get it back in pieces when she is not the one
When in pieces sometimes it even gives up hope
It starts believing it can’t be fixed once broke

For all this while it is constantly put to test
But even after all of this it doesn’t ask for rest
Some people win everything, some people don’t find the right end but it stays with you forever,
The brain hates you because he considers himself clever

Your life will always be stuck in their constant battle
Sometimes the result might be in your favour but majorly always fatal.
Even though there will be days when your brain will hate you and give you taunts
But the heart wants what the heart wants

All your life the heart will give you signals
When happy it speeds up when sad it might get dull
There will come a time too when you regret not listening to your heart
But then it will be just too late to make a start

So its better to live now with no regrets
Because it all ends when the heart decides to rest.

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