A once in a lifetime kind of love.

The person you love so much but cannot be with

She placed the eyelash on her fist and closed her eyes and there was only one image flashing with the eyes closed. And she blew that away. So did the eyelash fall into a wishing well? Or it turned into a disappointment and releasing the hard fact that real magic doesn’t exist. Who was she? It will be difficult to describe her in words. Because there was no perfect adjective yet for her simplicity, honesty and a smile that the world could stop for.

The moment I saw her I knew she was someone very different.She dreamt with the passion of a kid.
She worked dedicated like an adult who couldn’t slogged every single second. She listened to everything with patience like an old lady.It was obvious people couldnt tell how old she was.
Alarm clock buzzing but the dream was at point where things couldn’t be left off. And then the cries from the phone became louder and louder. She tried to reach for phone with her eyes close. And clutched it in the third try. With too much light from the phone she almost had the urge to just bash the whole thing to the wall but damn those were expensive piece of gadgetry that was must to have. But when she saw the name flashing it was almost as if her heart stopped for a second. And the brain that was in piece for few hours during the nap time almost had an instant war with the heart. The thing about this cold war is no matter which side gets heavy you just feel like the person lost. Confused she was whether to pick it up or not. She wanted to talk to him probably waited for this call more than anything. But then she remembered What had happened. Finally the heart attacked the brains with all the power it could and she decided to answer the call. She kept quiet. For she didn’t know how to respond to. A formal hie was never their thing. And things weren’t the same anymore. But amidst all this. She heard heavy breathing and him crying over the phone. It seems like she forgot every single thing that had happened and said “siddharth”

She was a reserved person during the school day that’s what he thought about her. There were only a few girls in class but no one seemed to have caught his attention the way she did. And Impressed he was the moment he saw her but then he never knew that he wouldn’t be able to gather that courage for the next 2 years. She was popular during the school days. Though she was quiet people just Had her name in the conversation. Be it the juvenile teasing someone in class with her name. Or asking her for favours as she was the teachers favourite student. And someone who was always happy to help. He always sat on the bench next to her. He even talked to the person she sat next to. But never her. So the days in school passed by. They even went on a trip together from school with loads of other students. So in a class of 28 these two somehow never talked. he did think a few times “did she knew he existed or was he an invisible man.” He later found out the answer.

She was all confused now. It had been weeks since he stormed off. Leaving her in a jiff. 4 and half years of friendship. Trust and love faded in a blink of an eye. So why did he call now. Her heart kept on writing stories for brain to picture. Almost every Second a new story. “Can we meet now? ” she was baffled by this request. It was 2 a.m. she asked him “what happened ” “can we meet now, i am right. . Ouuutttt.t.tt side yooou..rrr. house. ” he was stammering. His voice never felt so weak. But then there came here sense of realisation. He was outside her house. Her parents were asleep and if by any means they got up and found him . It will be trouble for both. So she stood up and tried to sneak past living room towards the door. She opened the gate. And her eyes filled up with every emotion she had holded on to for weeks after he left.

Then one day suddenly she gets a text from a familiar name but with much of a surprise. She gets a hie and the name next to the “hie” was siddharth . She in her wildest dreams never guessed it could be him.He made a guessing game of the Message. But after all wrong guesses he revealed his true identity. She was surprised. But that surprise was a start of something big. As days passed by their frequency of chat increased and while she was busy with her summer exams. He stayed up all night with her. Telling her stories and sharing stuff. After that summer. Their chats became a regular affair. His day started with texting her good morning. And ended while waiting her to fall asleep so that he could write those long trying to be cute but turning out to be lame messages. But she always found those adorable. The bond of trust reached its max possible strength and they started to share their darkest secrets .. for the first 1 and half years of talking. They didn’t even meet. But they never stopped talking, and they never imagined that there will come a time that wouldn’t. He knew his love for her was platonic but she was his soulmate and he never felt more complete in his life. but then the jealousy kept on growing and came a moment where everything was senseless and there was no clue why or how it happened . so there came the dreadful night when she gets a call from him and he is rude,This was new. Of all the things they went through in their long friendship he was never rude not for one moment. Somehow it bothered her, how could he be different all of a sudden. Everything happened so fast she didn’t even realise how or why or what led to this. Confused from “is it his feelings for her” making him weird or is he taking out his anger of something else on her. He said his goodbyes and she didn’t know how to react. She kept on crying not knowing his side of the story. Days passed and she thought today might be the day he comes to his senses and texts her back. So many questions. So many answers awaited, and she knew the moment he texts or call she will ask him every single thing

There he was standing in front of her looking so fragile. His eyes were red, not the bloodshot red but red with grief. She didn’t say a word and hugged him. He didn’t hugged back like it was the last hug he ever will have. Resisting to let her go, he started crying heavily now and she didn’t know how to calm the matter down and in the back of the mind she was terrified what if someone got up and found her with him. She tried to comfort him so that he might just stop crying. And as he started to explain himself of what happened and why everything happened. She stopped him. Shushing him all she said was “it doesn’t matter. You matter and you are here. This is all I ever wanted.” There was a smile on his face and cheeks managed to spread even with the tears still falling like a waterfall, but in just one moment those feelings associated with the tears changed, from guilt to happiness just in one moment.

She came back to her bed. And almost next moment fell asleep like a baby. She got up from her bed and looked at the mirror, there was an eyelash on her cheeks. She kept it on her fist. And closed her eyes and blew that eyelash into her wishing well. And that wish already came true last night., all she wanted was him to never go away.

Sometimes if we are lucky there can happen a thing which stay with us for lifetime. And for them that friendship was something that rarely happens to someone really very very special.